New Tool Album – Fear Inoculum Vinyl


Update: 15 of April 2021 – Joe Barresi confirmed in an interview that the album has actually been mastered for vinyl, i.e. a different master from the digital version used on the CD and digital formats. Source: here.

Update: 25th of April 2020 – There is still no official word from the band on a release of Fear Inoculum on vinyl. There are a heap of counterfeit copies out’s a small sample.

Initial post: With today’s announcement of the new album coming out in 30 days, I thought it would be a good time to start a new post and add information we have as it comes out.

The release date will be August 30th, 2019, however, I’m not holding my breath of a vinyl release on day one, but I guess we can only hope.


1: “Fear Inoculum”

2: “Pneuma”

3: “Litanie contre la Peur”

4: “Invincible”

5: “Legion Inoculant”

6: “Descending”

7: “Culling Voices”

8: “Chocolate Chip Trip”

9: “7empest”

10: “Mockingbeat”

I will add details as I find them.


  1. I’ve read many rumors of Fear Inoculum being released on vinyl come November 2019, possibly record store day.

  2. Ich würde behaupten “Nein”
    Es macht den Eindruck als wäre dies eine Inoffizielle Pressung.
    Hatte vor einigen Tagen 2 Händler bei ebay angeschrieben und zwar mehrmals.
    Auf meine Frage,ob dies eine Offizielle Pressung sei wurde bisher nicht geantwortet.
    Sehr Seltsam wie ich finde.

  3. ALL TOOL ITEMS ARE COUNTERFEIT. Fucking liars time after time, always shenanigans around this band. They make good music but always FUCK THE FANS. Fuck you Tool!! For example, how do I get the vinyl release of the album? Welcome to the fucking rabbit hole.

  4. I think Tool’s done with vinyl for the most part. I think biggest clue about that is the fact they made all their content (with the exception of salival) digital for anybody to listen to without any need for physical copies.

  5. It’s so nice to see Tool is about to finally release their latest masterpiece onto vinyl! It was great to also hear they are NOT doing the normal digital transfer due to that sounding like shit, so full throttle on analog! To sum it up to all the youngsters, analog is the gold and digital is the brass! This is why I waited. Besides cds are now a thing of the past, and vinyl quickly taking the stage over from the digital world we’ve come to know. Digital had about a 20 year run, with it still grasping the spotlight as vinyl has slowly but surely made its way back to the main stage and anyone who can afford to buy vinyl, knows its utterly amazing and spectacular sound defying digital in its last remaining moments of existence. Don’t get me wrong, digital will be around because for a lot of people it’s just not feasible to switch to vinyl so the market will remain strong and there will be no loss in that regard for the many who depend on it. On the other hand, we are truly blessed to have the option of purchasing vinyl and not these new digitally pressed pieces of junk being sold at wally world! I got suckered into those albums in the beginning of the great comeback, but rest assured, bands like Tool are here to bring back the original feast of magical enlightenment that only vinyl can provide!

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