Undertow is Tool’s first full-length album, released in 1993. The All Music Guide sees the album’s success in the “striking, haunting visuals that complemented the album’s nihilistic yet wistful mood”
This is not your typical heavy metal cd at all! This is actually more grunge than metal,”grungemetal”,if you will. This album one of is Tool’s finest moments! It’s hard to believe this came out 15 years ago, but hardly an alt-metal cd since has topped this one!
Each songs as as much power and soul behind as Opiate, only on this record, Tool now had a larger budget to produce their first full album and a growing fan base. Tool composed some brilliant new songs like Intolerance and Flood, but they were able to use older songs like Sober and Bottom and make them new.
Track List:
1. “Intolerance” – 4:53
2. “Prison Sex” – 4:56
3. “Sober” – 5:06
4. “Bottom” – 7.13 (Tool/Henry Rollins)
5. “Crawl Away” – 5:29
6. “Swamp Song” – 5:31
7. “Undertow” – 5:21 listen (help info)
8. “4 degrees” – 6:02
9. “Flood” – 7:45
69. “Disgustipated” – 15:47
- Undertow Grey Promo
- Undertow – Clear Green
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The message on the photographs of the band members reads -Trust me trust me trust me trust me trust me I just want to start this over say you won’t go this is love I’ll make weapons out of my imperfections lay back and let me show you another way only this one holy medium brings me peace of mind cleanse and purge me in the water twice as loud as reason euphoria I’ve been far too sympathetic no one told you to come I hope it sucks you down life feeds on life this is necessarry.- This passage has several lyrics from the album’s songs-