Tool 10,000 Days vinyl


Update: March 2017 – Still nothing.

Update 27th November 2010 (from official band website):

Q: “Will the band be releasing and official vinyl version of “10,000 Days” at all? And would they consider doing a re-issue of “Aenima” on vinyl for those of us who can’t afford an original?”

A: I don’t know about Aenima, but I’m fairly certain that “10,000 Days” vinyl will be released soon – this because I’ve recently seen some test-pressings at Danny’s manse.

Looking through the referral and search statistics for this site I have found a lot of people are searching for info on Tool’s 10000 Days on vinyl. Two problems 1) as of right now (August 2009) Tool have not released a vinyl version of 10,000 days. 2) Bootleggers know this and have been pumping out fakes onto the market to fill this need.

I will be regularly checking the official tool website and when/ if they do decide to release a copy of 10,000 days on vinyl, I will update you with this information. Please don’t be tempted to buy fakes off ebay. They are not legit copies and none of the sale price ends up in the band members pockets.

What do fake copies look like?

The 10,000 days vinyl releases on Ebay do look very legit, I can see how people would get confused into thinking they are real. They are not. I have mentioned this vinyl in my Tool Fake Vinyl Guide, along with a whole heap of other fake vinyl’s out there.

Here are some photos of the current fake vinyl records on Ebay so you know what to avoid:

Here is a live search widget that will display current 10,000 days vinyls on ebay. Right now they will all be fake, so don’t waste your time. If the real deal does come onto the market I will update my search code to display official releases.

Current Tool – 10,000 Days Fake Crap on Ebay
[phpbay]tool days, 3, 306, “undertow”[/phpbay]


  1. I bought the 10,000 days red vinyl from a local record store. I knew it was a bootleg, but bought it anyway because it is a well made bootleg that looks cool and is a nice collectable. I don’t think tool will ever officially release the album on vinyl. It took a long time for Lateralus to come out on vinyl, but not this long, so I don’t think it’s going to happen. This is probably the closest we will ever have.

  2. Well, the real deal hasn’t come onto the market. I think I will pick one of these up. It has been 4 years just over a month ago now since the original was released. I agree with the first poster in that it could become a collectible.

  3. I also picked the red vinyl up at Beatnicks down in Montreal, not realizing it was a bootleg, explains the lack of artwork really. Still nice to have in the collection. I agree with the others with this one, if it’s not going to be official, this is going to be as close as we get to it. Missing out on Aenima right now, so hopefully we’ll see a reissue! As I certainly don’t want to end up paying out the ass for it on eBay to someone who doesn’t deserve my money.

  4. Tool – 10,000 Days, why the F dont they pull their thumbs out of their arses and release a vinyl version – very often more than one bid one the fakes.
    Also picture disc vinyl is very often noisy noisy noisy i avoid them.

  5. Guys – just a quick one: could it be that the “10,000 Days” vinyl bootleg…well, how should I put it…….sounds pretty shitty? Who the F put this together? A seven year old? What are your experiences regarding the actual sound of this thing?

  6. C’mon guys, who buys vinyl for the ‘sound quality’??? Unless you feel some fond, nostalgic connection to the sound of static white-noise! If you want sound quality, buy the cd! If you want a cool collectible, buy the vinyl! Vinyls are an investment! Don’t get me wrong, I feel there is something ‘warmer’, or more ‘earthy’ to the sound of vinyl (of which I am a fan) compared to that of a majority of digital playback options. But usually the warmth of vinyl is due to the difference in mixing techniques used between reproduction on vinyl, as opposed to digital formats (the use of analog recording techniques can also make a huge difference). Finally, anyone who plays picture discs obviously don’t understand the point of their production. They are collectors items. They are meant to look cool! Not sound cool!

  7. According to the Toolband website 10,000 days will finally be released!!!!!!!!!!!. In the email answer section from the other day he said he is fairly certain 10,000 days will be released soon as he has seen the test pressings at danny’s manse.

  8. Any updates to the availability of a 10,000 days pressing coming out officially? I have been wanting a legit one for a few years now and am hoping tool will release it on vinyl as I have the rest of their studio work on vinyl as I am sure a bunch of people do.

  9. I got a hold of a promotional release of 10 000 days, not sure if it’s a bootleg though, blue vinyl that looks authentic. Do you know if they released anything like that?

  10. hey seb, sounds like you got one of the blue fakes, look at the pictures near the top of this page

  11. these bootlegs suck. the thin-as-thin-can-be sleeves bend and crease with just an intent stare, the vinyl is sourced direct from the CD/MP3, and sounds like it too. With gaps between tracks and all. Like they used iTunes and left the 2 second gap option on. Dont buy this bootleg, even if its the only vinyl option. They are so sub-par compared to Tool’s legit releases that they are embarrassing sitting next to the real albums.

  12. abunchofgibberish June 29, 2013 at 9:36 pm

    “C’mon guys, who buys vinyl for the ‘sound quality’??? Unless you feel some fond, nostalgic connection to the sound of static white-noise! If you want sound quality, buy the cd! If you want a cool collectible, buy the vinyl! Vinyls are an investment! Don’t get me wrong, I feel there is something ‘warmer’, or more ‘earthy’ to the sound of vinyl (of which I am a fan) compared to that of a majority of digital playback options. But usually the warmth of vinyl is due to the difference in mixing techniques used between reproduction on vinyl, as opposed to digital formats (the use of analog recording techniques can also make a huge difference). Finally, anyone who plays picture discs obviously don’t understand the point of their production. They are collectors items. They are meant to look cool! Not sound cool!”

    Everything [literally, every single part] written here is false. Pay no attention to this idiot.

  13. just curious.. is it fact that no 10 000 days vinyl record has been released yet? I’ve been researching online but most sites/threads just discuss how to spot fakes. thanks!

  14. Adam Jones (seriously) September 10, 2013 at 11:36 pm

    I’ve been a Tool fan since Undertow’s release (so, yeah, I’m not OGT back in ’92, but I’m pretty close), but I’ve only recently become a vinyl guy. 10,000 Days is my favorite Tool album (probably because Wings For Marie is astounding) followed closely by Aenima (which in my opinion is Tool’s overall, song-for-song best album). Needless to say, I’m really disappointed to have missed out on obtaining the Aenima vinyl when it was still generally available and reasonably priced. I don’t intend to miss the boat on 10,000 Days (to the extent that boat ever sets sail) and will be following this thread closely. Thanks to the admin for maintaining it.

  15. I feel like if anything, it might be released as a 10th Anniversary for the album. They’ll give us what we really want, which would be the official vinyl for 10,000 Days. I’d be happy as hell about that. I’d also be very willing to be patient and wait two more years. I mean, by that point, with the news we’ve been getting, a new Tool album will already be out!

  16. I want this record on vinyl. I hope there is an official release one day. In the meantime, I remind myself that the band did give us probably the most amazing, unique CD release in the history of CD-release-as-a-work-of-arts ever. No?

  17. Bought the 10,000 days from a local retailer, it was unsealed, no artwork, discs are red, warped, and have a ton of noise. I didnt realize it was a bootleg either, impulse buy 🙂
    But now after being on this site im making more informed decisions. Last night i unknowingly bought a fake copy of the salival vinyl, hopefully it is not an mp3 or CD rip…at least if you’re gonna bootleg vinyl do it via FLAC!

  18. I really hope this admin is still active. I’d definitely like to get my hands on a 10,000 days vinyl if they ever release it. And an Aenima reissue would be really nice. It’s only been about two years since I really got heavy into Tool and now they’re my favorite band along with Alice In Chains. Don’t blame me for so recently getting into them, I just turned 22 lol. They formed before I was even born. I saw them for the first time back in October when they came to Arkansas. What a coincidence it was that they decided to play a show 10 mins from my house. Anyways I hope whenever anybody finds out any info on any re issues or anything they put it on this thread even though it’s 7 years old. I’ve just recently gotten into vinyl and I have the Lateralus picture disks and an Undertow reissue. Next on my list is an opiate reissue and man if I could ever find a reasonably priced Aenima I’d totally grab it. Not that a few hundred dollard isn’t unreasonable, I’m just a broke college kid and can’t shell out that kind of cash right now. Vinyl is definitely my favorite way to have a physical copy of music. It’s just kind of hard to find the records when all of your favorite bands are from the 60’s to the late 90’s. Anyways, just trying to keep the thread going!

  19. ^^also happened upon this thread post bootleg purchase… struck me as weird that there was no artwork 😛 ah well I am happy to have it on vinyl regardless. That’s the gamble you take with eBay…

  20. I just bought a copy, one blue and one red…Obviously it is a bootleg , the red one has marbling on it, but one thing gets me, the back of it says it is for promotional use only, not for resale… could it be a legit copy?

  21. Simon,
    Is this site still up and current?
    Have been a Tool fan for a long time and recently read that they are totally analog and that vinyl is the way to listen to them. Is this true?
    Local record store has Undertow for $30 and Lateralus for $41. I havent seen them yet. Just saw online that they are in stock. Is this a good deal if they are legit pressings?

  22. Those prices seem about right. Undertow sounds great on vinyl, laterals is a picture disk, so can be a bit hit and miss depending on the copy you get and your stylus….both are fairly easy to find. I wouldn’t call them a analog band, they still haven’t released 10k days on vinyl, and often give mocking answers when fans peast them about vinyl releases “haven’t you heard of this thing called the CD” was a reponse to one particular question.

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